You Need To Focus

You Need To Focus2018-09-07T21:02:37+00:00

Project Description

If you find it hard to focus you are not alone. A cup of coffee to start the day, an energy drink to keep you going, then another one and then you need something else to help you sleep. Sound familiar? I’m going to tell you what you already know, not only do those things not work but they are really bad for your body and mind. A roller coaster of stimulants put you in “optimum” levels for about 20 minutes a day and the rest of the time you are either zooming up and past where you want to be or cratering downward to confusion. I know, I did that for years and few things worse than hitting the morning high while sitting in 2 mile an hour traffic for an hour then getting to work as I was crashing down.

The following is a list of natural, healthy and effective ways to get focused and stay that way throughout the day.


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