FAQ Page

FAQ Page2018-09-07T19:24:35+00:00
What’s the best way to mix the drinks?2018-09-07T19:24:40+00:00

For the nutritional drinks we recommend mixing the powder in 16 – 20oz of water the night before and putting it the refrigerator for the next day. While you can mix during the day and drinking it at least 30 minutes later we have found that making it the night before makes it taste better. According to the scientist that formulated the mix, letting it sit overnight allows the nutrient to bond with the water molecules and thus more easily absorbed by the body. I know that I do feel a difference when I let the XM+ sit overnight. Just make sure you give it a good shake before you start drinking otherwise all the good stuff will be stuck on the bottom of the bottle.

What is Ephedra Nevadensis2018-09-07T19:24:40+00:00



Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada ephedra) is a species of Ephedra native to dry areas of western North America.

Its range extends west to California and Oregon, east to Texas, and south to Baja California, including areas of the Great Basin, Colorado plateau and desert Southwest. It is found in rocky and sandy soils, generally in areas without trees.

Nevada ephedra was used for food and medicine by indigenous people and for tea by Mormons. Among the Zuni people an infusion of the whole plant, except for the root.  They also use it to make a tea-like beverage.

What is “Auto-Ship”2014-09-01T01:08:25+00:00

Auto-Ship is a great way to make sure that you don’t run out of product. The default is for your credit card to be debited every 28 days and the shipment goes out the day that you are charged.

How long before my order arrives?2014-09-01T01:05:46+00:00

Right now from the time you place your order to the time you should find it at your door is 8 working days.


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