I know that is probably a dumb question so I guess the real question should be “What do you do to get yourself going?”
Mine used to be a 24oz coffee in the morning followed by two or three energy drinks throughout the day. Talk about a roller costar ride! Sometimes I couldn’t type because my hands were shaking so badly and then a hour or two later I had trouble keeping my eyes open to finish the job. I would occasionally fall asleep while driving but because traffic was only going so slow I don’t think anyone noticed.
That all changed a little over four years ago thanks to my wife. It started with a single all natural 16oz drink that I would drink half first thing in the morning then the other half at noon. Now I drink the whole thing in the morning but I’m in much better shape and 65 pounds lighter I don’t get warn down by having to lug that around. There are some other amazing supplements that I take to boost my energy level when I need a little extra or need some motivation to get going. I love the XM-Burn, my wife says it makes me “chatty”, I guess she is right because I feel fantastic and have that feeling like something just went my way.
We are about to go into the long nights and short days so I know everyone could use a little more energy to focus, get things done and just plain feel better. You owe it to yourself to start taking care of your body because when you feel good you do good things.