How many days would you like to take off to deal with a sick family member?
Silly question but if you don’t want to take any off what are you doing to prevent it from happening? For the past four years my family has prepared for season of snotty noses, hacking coughs and ear-splitting sneezes that shower anything within 10 feet with a sticky film of….
OK, I’m back, I had to go put some ProShield on just thinking about it and I’m in my office by myself! What is ProShield? I’m glad you asked. ProShield is one of the essential oil blends from Ameo. The blend that is used in ProShield is one that has been used for centuries to cleanse. Oils like Clove, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus Radiata and boy does it smell good!
The second-best part is what is smells like, it smells like Christmas! For the past several years we have been known as the “Christmas Family.” When we know that we are going into the “danger zone” of adults and children described above we always put a couple of drops on one palm, rub the hands together and wipe around our necks and finish up with cupping our hands over our nose and inhale deeply. Not only does it give you a wonderful fragrance that picks up your mood but you have just done a wonderful thing to keep the germs from gaining a foothold in your body. Of course, I can’t claim that this product “treats, prevents or cures and diseases” but it seems to have kept my family from a single cold since we started using ProShield.
In years past I could count on at least two times per year that someone in my house would get sick and it would go through each of us like a wave. One by one we would get sick and all we could do is wait our turn and deal with it but not anymore. Using the daily drink from Zija and the essential oils we have not been sick in over four years! That’s right, I said four years! Give your body what it needs to strengthen itself and wonderful things happen.
I’ve done the math; the cost of loosing a day of work, paying for the doctor visit, paying for the medicine and then having to work extra just to get caught up when everyone is back on their feet is far and above the cost of prevention.
Join us and you can be called the “Christmas Family” and keep your sick days for more important things, like golf.
Protecting Blend
The oils in ProShield have been used for centuries to cleanse. This is a unique blend that supports a healthy immune system and is a viable alternative to many synthetic household cleaners.
With Améo Essential Oils like Clove, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus Radiata, ProShield has a sizeable amount of cleansing properties. It also assists in protecting cells from damaging free radicals and promotes normal respiratory function. Note: The Améo Proshield oil blend should be used for aromatic, topical, and dietary supplement use only. If pregnant or under the care of a physician, consult your medical practitioner prior to use. The Améo Proshield oil blend is considered generally safe for use with children aged 2 and above. If any reaction or adverse effect occurs, discontinue use. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
• Diffuse ProShield for up to 30 minutes in an Améo diffuser to cleanse the air
• Add 20 drops of ProShield to an 8 oz Améo mister bottle, fill the remainder with distilled water, and use to clean any surface—especially bathrooms or kitchens
• Add a few drops of ProShield to your mop water to better clean floors
• Swish a few drops of ProShield and water in your mouth for a natural mouth rinse to aid in oral health
• Add 3 drops of ProShield to your dishwasher or water before washing to help clean dishes
• Add 5-10 drops of ProShield to the wash cycle when doing laundry to combat odors; don’t worry about your clothes smelling like ProShield, as the
oils flash off in the dryer
• Add 3-4 drops of ProShield to Améo Fractionated Coconut Oil and use as an all-natural hand soap
• Dampen a cotton ball with 3-4 drops of ProShield and place anywhere to eliminate unpleasant odors
• Rub ProShield onto the soles of the feet—including children’s feet—before bed to promote normal immune system function
• Apply a small amount of ProShield directly to surfaces to remove sticky and stubborn messes